


作品名稱  LEON

作品類型  生活產品

設計師  李懿君、吳幸禧、呂衣涵、李柏翰、鄭郁秀

指導老師  林楷潔

設計理念  因為聽障兒童的聽力持續退化的問題,許多家長會選擇讓他們提早學習手語。然而現今,手語老師和聽障兒童比例嚴重失衡和相關學習網站使用上不夠直覺等等問題使手語學習更不便利和加深自學難度。聽障兒童和父母居家共學手語即是這次的設計重點。


Compared to Manually Coded Chinese (MCC), Taiwanese Sign Language (TSL) is more closely related to the origin of sign language, and is more universal, easier to understand, and more intuitive to use.Missions include helping with household chores or interacting with parents.The app selects and teaches topics from the words and phrases that will appear in the task.Missions include helping with household chores or interacting with parents.The app selects and teaches topics from the words and phrases that will appear in the task.Missions include helping with household chores or interacting with parents.The app selects and teaches topics from the words and phrases that will appear in the task.